LCD12864 LCD blue film Chinese font ST7920 LCD controller Un
访问资料: 发布日期:2015-10-29 16:32
1.The physical map:
3.The interface definition:
[Model]: LCM12864K
[Number of lattice points]: 128X64
[Dimensions]: 78X70X12
[Horizon] size: 62X44
[Size] Positioning: 68X65
[Dot pitch]: 0.05X0.05
[Size] point: 0.39X0.55
[Controller Type]: ST7920
[Brief]: Chinese character string, double parallel communication. Wide 5V voltage drive.
LCM12864K Chinese character type LCD module can display letters, numbers, Chinese fonts and graphics, with graphics and text mixed display screen. Can display 128 (columns) × 64 (rows) lattice. Complete graphical display can also display 8 × 4 个 (16 × 16 dot matrix) Chinese characters.
Offers three control interface: 8-bit microprocessor interface, 4 microprocessor interface, serial interface. Module built 2M- bit Chinese font ROM (CGROM) A total of 8192 Chinese fonts (16 × 16 dot matrix), 16K- bit half-width font ROM (HCGROM) providing a total of 126 symbols font (16 × 8 dot matrix), 64 × 16- bit display RAM (DDRAM), another graphics display offers a 64 × 256 points in the drawing area (GDRAM), you can mix and text display screen.
Provide multifunction instructions: Clear screen (Display clear), the cursor homing (Return home), display on / off (Display on / off), the cursor display / hide (Cursor on / off), display character flashes (Display character blink) The cursor shift (Cursor shift), display shift (Display shift), vertical screen scrolling (Vertical line scroll), highlighted (reverse display).
LCD module (LCM) of LCD color yellow-green, blue and gray for customers to choose. LED backlight color yellow-green, white and emerald green for customers to choose.
Use and storage temperature: room temperature (temperature 0 ~ + 50 ℃, Storage temperature -10 ~ + 60 ℃); wide temperature (operating temperature -20 ~ + 70 ℃, Storage temperature -30 ~ + 80 ℃).